Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cllr Martin Mullaney...genius.

Nice to hear Martin Mullaney (who seems to be some sort of Councillor in Birmingham) on TV adding his invaluable contribution to The Rainbow debate. He witters on about The Rainbow playing loud music in the courtyard until '2 or 4am' and suggests that they just 'turn the volume down', clearly oblivious to the fact that this has already been done, or that the latest complaint was about music being played at 11pm or that the very cultural fabric of the entire City is in danger of being torn to pieces by just one individual...

Shouldn't our Councillors be trying to make our City a better, more vibrant and attractive place to live, work and visit? Shouldn't they be standing up for a local business that helps some of our best new bands, DJ's and promoters make a living? Shouldn't they make the effort to find out the facts before making a lame ass appearance on local TV? I forward a motion to abate Cllr Mullaney.

On a more positive note there's now an e-petition thingy that you can sign and send to the Council, although if our Martin has anything to do with it he'll probably just stick his fingers in his ears and start singing 'la la la I can't hear you' (either that or he'll be sat in his garden muttering about young folk and plotting ways to get us all in bed by 8.30 with a good book...nothing too stimulating mind you...and careful how loudly you turn the pages).

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