Thursday, June 13, 2019

System Of A Down - B.Y.O.B

You know one of those days when your internet connection's so slow that it would be easier to actually go to see the person you're trying to email...even if they live in another country. Yes, I've been having one of those days. Turns out that hubs use channels and if a load of hubs near to yours are using the same one then it can cause everything to slooooooowwww dooooowwwnnnn toooooooooo annnnnn almosssssssssssssst compeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetteeeeee stoooooppppppppppppp. I'm old enough to remember the old dial up connections. If you wonder why people over the age of 40 have grey hair, that's the reason...dial up modems.

Anyway, the only music that's helping to calm me down right now is System Of A Down. Enjoy.

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