Thursday, October 17, 2024

Yo Yo - Rose Royce

Picked up a cheapo Rose Royce compilation from a charity shop over the weekend and came across this funktastic cut from the iconic Car Wash movie and soundtrack. Hot on its heels came this one...

With another 13 tracks it's not too bad for 50p eh? 

PS: Having hoovered up thousands of CDs over the past few years I've noticed that the volume and quality available in charity shops has dwindled pretty dramatically recently. It's not surprising, most people who had 'em in a box under the bed have got rid of 'em now....just as they did when vinyl fell out of favour. The majority of my fellow CD buyers still tend to be middle aged men (bless 'em) but over the weekend I was rifling through the racks next to a couple of trendy students who seemed besotted with the format. And who can blame them? You Tube seems to be fighting off the ad blocking software that's worked so well over the years and I daresay that you get ads every 30 seconds on Spotify too unless you spunk up a monthly subscription fee. Why subscribe when you can buy, own and play (in much better sound quality) CDs though? If you buy from charity shops, you're supporting good causes too. And, as I've probably banged on about before, CDs seem to be both retro and futuristic making it the ideal format for hipsters and hip replacement-ers. It's probably too late to accumulate a big collection for little money now but if you're passing a charity shop or car boot sale it's well worth a look. Happy hunting! 

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