Friday, September 09, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II RIP

I chose Jeff Buckley's album Grace to listen to in the bath last night knowing that the passing of Queen Elizabeth II could come at any moment...and it did...shortly after this track played. Whatever you think of the monarchy carrying out royal duties for over 70 years right up to hours before your death is pretty bloody remarkable and, personally, I reckon the country and world's a poorer place without her. What's striking from the people showing up at Buckingham Palace is the range of ages, cultures, faiths and any other differentiations that you care to mention. Apparently even Putin sent a tribute. It's hard to imagine any other person on the planet whose passing will receive as much coverage as the Queen's or to envisage a future monarch (or any head of state for that matter) that will ever see (and, arguably, initiate) as many changes as she did. In the immortal words of Paddington Bear, "Thank you...for everything". 

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