Wednesday, May 06, 2020

50 Not Out!

Well, tomorrow, providing I make it through the night I reach the grand old age of 50. Good grief. How did that happen? It's fair to say that a lot's changed in the past half century so I thought I'd look back at the 5 number ones on my various 10 year anniversaries from zero to 50...

1970 - My first birthday...awww bless...isn't he cute?

1980 - My tenth birthday...slightly less cute.

1990 - My twentieth birthday, now a student in Brighton and working at 7-Eleven to pay my way...that was fun...

2000 - My thirtieth birthday, married and with a mortgage, now working in training and development.

2010 - My fortieth...ouch...recently made redundant from the crazy world of advertising following the 'credit crunch' and working from home as a self employed copywriter...also a few years into this blog.

2020 - My fiftieth...double living in Devon, just a brief hobble away from the beach...still married, still working from home (albeit a different home)...mind you aren't most of us working from home at the moment?

I'd never heard the 2010 track before and to be brutally honest I never want to hear it again, but the rest are pretty good. I'm particularly chuffed that Geno was number one on my 10th birthday. Lord knows what'll be number one in 2030 or if I (or anyone else for that matter) will be around to hear it but my money's on Captain Tom doing a cover version of Space Oddity. 


Russ L said...

(Nice deliberate mistake, too. I spent a little while having my mind blown that "Oops..." was older than "Killer" until I realised).

The Baron said...

Oops! Ha! Cheers Russ, all corrected now. The old brain's not what it was...not that it was ever up to much. Thanks for the Stevie clip too, you can't beat a bit of Stevie on your birthday.