Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Everybody Hurts - REM @ Glastonbury 1999

A lot of my Glastonbury experiences (I managed 9...and a bit...don't ask) have faded from my ageing brain over the years but some are as fresh as my socks on day one. Seeing REM sing Everybody Hurts back in 1999 is one of those memories and the lyrics are as true and as powerful now as they were then. Enjoy...and if you know someone who's having a bit of a shit one send 'em this video. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Fruitcakes - Jimmy Buffett

Picked up this album yesterday for a whole 10p and it seems pretty appropriate for these times. Shades of Paul Simon's You Can Call Me Al perhaps...and that's never a bad thing. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Circles Going Round - Galliano

A mere 28 years after their last album acid jazz legends Galliano are back with this beauty. Hopefully I'll get to see 'em live later in the year, it's been a while. 30 years or so?! Good grief. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Too Much Pressure - The Selector

RIP Arthur 'Gaps' Hendrikson, who's now skanking at that great gig in the sky. I've had the great pleasure of seeing The Selector quite a few times over the past few years and Gaps always put 100% into every show. Hopefully he'll meet up with Ranking Roger and Terry Hall for a proper knees up...

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Soak Up The Culture - Welly

Ahhhh, this takes me back to the golden days of the noughties when bands like Young Knives, Wombats, and Bromheads Jacket briefly ruled the airwaves...well, 6Music at least. This track's brand spanking new though. Hurrah! The kids are alright after all. 

Friday, June 07, 2024

Thrown Around - James Blake

Blimey, where did this come from? James Blake's back with a bit of a banger (yes, seriously) and contender for video of the year. Let's hope the algorithm's get well and truly shagged... 

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Red Guitar - David Sylvian

Jazz Art Pop? Is that a thing? It is now. Caught this video on one of the many music channels piped into our homes these days and the whole thing, song and video, is a thing of utter beauty. The 80s may have been a little OTT sometimes but bands like Talk Talk, Black, China Crisis, Aztec Camera, Cardiacs, Blancmange, Marc and the Mambas...I could go on and on and on...and quite possibly on...produced some of the most sublime music ever made. 

PS: Oh go on then, let's have a little Marc and the Mambas too...

Monday, June 03, 2024

U Should Not Be Doing That - Amyl and The Sniffers

It's been a bit of a grower this one but after a week or two of playing it Amyl and The Sniffers' latest is really hitting the spot. I really must get to see 'em live while I'm still standing. I was hoping Beautiful Days would book 'em but we've got Richard Ashcroft instead...